Post Cataract Laser Treatment

Post Cataract Laser Treatment

In adults, one out of three patients may experience an "after cataract", months or even years after cataract surgery. Although is it not a cataract, it is a clouding of the capsule left in place behind your implanted intraocular lens.  The hazing of the capsule prevents a clear pathway for light to reach the retina causing cloudy vision similar to your vision prior to cataract surgery. This can be alarming for patients, who think their cataract has returned. 

First step is to call for an appointment with your surgeon who will examine your eye to determine if you need a Yag Laser treatment. A safe effective treatment, the Yag Laser is quick and pain free.  Drops will be instilled before and after your treatment. You may experience floaters for a short period of time in your vision, in the treated eye, post treatment. As your pupil recovers from dilation, you may resume normal daily activities later the same day. 

Yag Laser treatments are scheduled at our Ambulatory Surgery and Laser Center of Cape Cod, Rte. 130, 280 Heritage Park, Sandwich, MA

Schedule an Appointment

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Please call us at 508-747-4748 - we look forward to hearing from you soon.