Exciting news.... Associated Eye Surgeons new office location coming soon. Check back for details this Fall. 

Eye Exam

Lasik and Laser Surgery

Since FDA approval in 1995, millions of people have chosen to have laser vision correction. That is, they have eliminated or minimized their nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism so they are no longer dependent on wearing glasses or inserting contact lenses. Just as each of us have a unique iris color and pattern, each patient has their own visual concerns and visual lifestyle requirements.  Meet with your surgeon, Dr. Kriegstein or Dr. Townshend and determine if laser vision correction surgery will meet your visual goals. 



Schedule an Appointment

Do you have questions or would you like to schedule an appointment?

Do you need information about Healthcare Financing Options?

Please call us at 508-747-4748 - we look forward to hearing from you soon.